Who was the third murderer?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who is the real tyrant?

  1. Who is most responsible for the bloodshed that occurs in the play? Is Macbeth alone or is Lady Macbeth to blame? How much blame can we place on the “instruments of darkness?”


  1. Externally Macbeth is responsible for the bloodshed in the play as he killed Duncan with his own hands. However Lady Macbeth is internally responsible for the bloodshed as she is the master mind behind the corrupt Macbeth at the beginning of the play. She plants the seed in his head and waters it and tends to it just like a garden - the garden of Eden. The witches are not to blame they are already corrupt and evil and not human so they cannot be upheld to the same moral standard.
    -*Mrs. Dyck*

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  4. I believe that the witches, evil and corrupt, are responsible for the bloodshed that takes place in Macbeth. Much like Sauron in The Lord of the Rings, the witches manipulate Macbeth. Although he doesn't fall for their trickery to begin with, he tells his wife of the witches and sparks an idea in her head, through clever manipulation Macbeth is tricked, much like Grima Wormtongue is brainwashed by his master Sauroman to do his evil bidding in The Lord of the Rings, although it is Sauron, just like the witches, running the grand scheme of things. Macbeth is just a puppet of the witches much like our bodies are to our own minds. Just like the difference between a killer and a modern day citizen, it is the mind which changes them and controls what they do, the witches were just the mind to Macbeth's body. You wouldn't blame a gun for murder, you would blame the person manipulating the gun as a weapon.

    Josh B.

  5. In my opinion Lady Macbeth is to blame for it. When Macbeth told her about the prophecies and that he was going to become king of Scotland, she encouraged him to kill king Duncan. Lady Macbeth wanted for her husband to become king in order for her to become queen. Unlike Lady Macbeth who did not have a problem about killing Duncan, Macbeth felt terrible about his deed. She had created an unstoppable, blood thirsty monster. Still even after killing Duncan, Macbeth was not satisfied because he remembered the witches' prophecies in which Banquo's children were to become kings of Scotland. He could not risk losing his position and therefore he decided that his faithful friend Banquo had to die. Even if Lady Macbeth was against Macbeth's actions and way of thinking later in the play, she was still the one who assured him that walking over the dead innocent bodies of people was right in order to get what you want.
    That is why I personally think Lady Macbuff is the real culprit behind the bloodshed.
    Anika L.

  6. I think Macbeth is responsible for the part of killing Duncan. Although his wife, Lady Macbeth contributed to the murder. She convinced him to do it. She wanted the honor to be queen, but first, Macbeth had to kill Duncan, and become the king. She wanted to have part in ruling Scotland. After he killed the king, she returned the dagger to the king, and did a mess of blood. She was showing witch this action, that she had a part of that murder. I think the three witches have their fault, too, but Macbeth already thought about killing Duncan, before he met the witches. Later Macbeth, not his wife, is arranging the murders of Banquo, and Macduff’s family. In the last scenes, when Lady Macbeth becomes crazy, you can see, that she feels, guilty. I think they both are responsible for the bloodshed.

  7. I believe that Lady Macbeth is the person to blame for all of this. She had an evil mind that created a devious plan to bring down the king. It was this plan that got Macbeth hooked on killing people to become the new king of Scotland. Even though Macbeth was the one that was the hands of the plan, Lady Macbeth was the brain of the organization. Another reason I believe Lady Macbeth is the responsible is because when Macbeth himself was about to murder Duncan he envisioned a dagger which was showing his conscious telling him to do it and he wasn't acting upon what he should.

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  9. I think that the tyrant in this play would have to be Lady Macbeth. She was the one who had helped Macbeth get the balls to kill Duncan. Macbeth might have been the one who did all the killing but i personally think that he was peer pressured into killing all the people he did, by his own wife! Other people that could have been blamed for the blood shed could be the evil witches because they made prophecy's that Macbeth would be the powerful one.

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  11. I think that Macbeth is mostly responsible for the murders and bloodshed that occur during the play. I think this because the murders were caused by Macbeth's hands and by his decisions, and Lady Macbeth had very little or even nothing to do with the murders aside from Duncan. However, if it is decided that Lady Macbeth played a significant role through her manipulation of Macbeth, then she should also be punished (if she weren't dead, that is). If Macbeth is that easily manipulated though, he is a threat to society and should be dealt with.
    -Adam T

  12. 3:30 Mon. blogging is closed. Mrs. Dyck


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